Dustin Marr


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    Amateur Radio Newsline™ — 1875 | July 19, 2013

    Researchers say that this solar cycle will likely remain poor The 2013 National Scouting Jamboree takes to the air and the web ARRL CEO K1ZZ writes about Spectrum Pressure in the August QST  Australia beacon to prove a path to Africa exists on 2 meters Yet another move by Congress to try to streamline the FCC […]

    Ham Nation 106 | Gordo Explains VHF Tropo Ducting

    Hosts: Bob Heil (K9EID), George Thomas (W5JDX), Gordon West (WB6NOA), and Don Wilbanks (AE5DW). Tropospheric ducting, connecting studio monitor speakers to your receiver, and more! Guests: Cheryl Lasek (K9BIK), Dale Puckett and Amanda Alden. Download or subscribe to this show at http://twit.tv/hn. Submit your own video to Ham Nation! See the Video Guidelines,http://www.frozen-in-time.com/guide/ We invite you to read, add to, […]

    AmateurLogic.TV 56: Field Day at Johnson Space Center

    George visits the NASA Johnson Space Center Amateur Radio Club and Clear Lake Texas ARC for field day. Tommy drops by the JARC. Peter searches for comets. And Tommy shows us how to set up a DVAP for D-Star.Viewer mail, comments, a little comedy, and a special show announcement.

    Amateur Radio Newsline™ — 1874 | July 12, 2013

    Ham radio continues its relief efforts in India Canada and Portugal may soon have added operating spectrum ARRL says no to encrypted communications on the ham bands FITSAT One ham radio satellite deorbits The story of some strange radio signals from space