Amateur Radio Newsline™ — 1872 | June 28, 2013
Rules change sought to allow encrypted ham radio communications CEA is forming a standards group to reduce distracted driving 5 MHz privileges come to resident hams on Samoa ARES responds to Alberta Canada flooding FCC sets RF exposure comment deadline ARNewsline names Padraig Lysandrou KC9UUS 2013 Young Ham of the Year
Amateur Radio Newsline™ — 1871 | June 21, 2013
Hams in Poland reach agreement with government on mutual emcomm aid Canada makes powerline interference info available on the Web South Africa ham radio rules correction remains on hold UK hams may soon loose access to several UHF bands Major Edwin Armstrong is honored by his hometown
Amateur Radio Newsline™ — 1870 | June 14, 2013
The IARU sets its sights on WRC 2015 A busy agenda for GAREC 2013 in Zurich Over the horizon radar invades the upper HF bands Petition to extend 10 meter Tech voice ops filed Some strange communications from the insect world
Amateur Radio Newsline™ — 1869 | June 7, 2013
Ham radio operator severe weather researcher dies in Oklahoma tornado FCC sets commentary date for comments on RF exposure reassessment New life for ham radio may be coming to Ghana Government seizes Unlicensed broadcast station near Boston Long missing moon dust is found in a California warehouse