Amateur Radio Newsline™ 1848 — January 11, 2013
Hams down-under respond to wildfires in Tasmania Comment deadline set in WRC 07 implementation OFCOM thanks RSGB for help with 2012 Olympics Dayton Hamvention calls for 2013 awards nominations
Amateur Radio Newsline™ 1847 — January 4, 2013
The FCC begins work to create a new Citizens Broadband Service ARRL asks the FCC to create a new low frequency band from 472 – 479 kHz Ireland gives 472 – 479 kHz spectrum to its ham radio community International DX Convention moves to Visalia Convention Center Happy birthday to the transistor as it reaches […]
Amateur Radio Newsline™ 1846 — December 28th, 2012
Hams in the Philippines activate as another tropical storm hits New spectrum for hams in Switzerland and the UK NYC ham beats the bureaucracy and gets to keep his tower Canada changes the way it administers its radio enforcement AMSAT gets a Matching Fund for the Fox satellite project
Amateur Radio Newsline™ 1845 — December 21th, 2012
ZL approves a digital ATV repeater for compatibility test with other services The United States says no to a new ITU treaty to govern the Internet The Dutch military wont give up 915 MHz for unlicensed short range devices A new eye on the sky down-under will warn of solar eruptions.