
Hosts: George Thomas (W5JDX)Gordon West (WB6NOA), and Don Wilbanks (AE5DW).

The FCC’s possible elimination of indecency policies, Bob checks in live from NAB, and your videos.

Guests: Bob Heil (K9EID) and Cheryl Lasek (K9BIK)

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Submit your own video to Ham Nation! See the Video Guidelines,

We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes

Thanks to Joe Walsh who wrote and plays the Ham Nation theme.

Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.


FCC says is reviewing RF exposure limits in all radio services A look at the possible candidates to be the next FCC Chairman UK ham signal heard 2000 Kilometers away with only 10 milliwatts Baofeng UV-3R HT becomes a paradise for makers and hackers The story of how ham radio help to stop a civil war

Hosts: Don Wilbanks (AE5DW)Gordon West (WB6NOA), and George Thomas (W5JDX).

Bob’s on the road, various types of microphones, Gordo demonstrates interference, and part two of building an AM/FM radio.

Guests: Julian Frost (N3JF) and Cheryl Lasek (K9BIK)

Download or subscribe to this show at

Submit your own video to Ham Nation! See the Video Guidelines,

We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes

Thanks to Joe Walsh who wrote and plays the Ham Nation theme.

Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

People: Bob Heil

Wireless Institute of Australia takes bold stand to save 13 cm band Nelson New Zealand City Council sides with a ham in a tower dispute UK to phase out AM broadcasting and AM emergency alerting by 2016 FCC grants hams Special Temporary Authority to use TDMA technology A special April 1st report on the emergence of flavored mini-computers