

A smart-phone powered satellite is now on-orbit
FCC proposes a new set of broadband that will impact ham radio
Amateur radio created varicode is now an ITU recommendation
Canada launches Mototrbo-based ham radio interconnect
6 meter beacon takes to the air from near the South Pole

Amateur Radio NewslineT Report 1855 – March 1
Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1855 with
a release date of March 1 2013 to follow in 5-4-
The following is a QST. A smart-phone powered
satellite is now on-orbit, the FCC proposes a
new set of broadband that will impact ham
radio; amateur radio created varicode is now an
ITU recommendation; Canada launches Mototrbo-
based ham radio interconnect and a new 6 meter
propagation beacon takes to the air from near
the South Pole. Find out the details are on
Amateur Radio NewslineT report number 1855
coming your way right now

Hosts: Bob Heil (K9EID)Gordon West (WB6NOA)George Thomas (W5JDX), and Don Wilbanks (AE5DW).

A look at ham shacks across the country, snow on antennas, and all about how inductors work.

Guests: Cheryl Lasek (K9BIK).

Download or subscribe to this show at

Submit your own video to Ham Nation! See the Video Guidelines,

We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes

Thanks to Joe Walsh who wrote and plays the Ham Nation theme.

Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

People: Bob Heil

Australian radio amateurs may lose the 2300 to 2302 MHz band Over the Horizon radar invades the 10 meter band Amateur satellite allocations on the agenda at IARU meeting Company in China releases low cost multi-mode HF transceiver Zombies invade the nations Emergency Alert System

Amateur Radio NewslineT Report 1854 – February 22 2013

Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1854 with a release
date of February 22 2013 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a Q-S-T. Australian radio amateurs may
lose the 2300 to 2302 MHz band; Over the Horizon radar
invades 10 meters; amateur satellite allocations on the
agenda at I-A-R-U meeting in Vienna; Mainland China
manufacturer releases low cost all service multi-mode High
Frequency transceiver and zombies invade the nations
Emergency Alert System. Find out the details are on Amateur
Radio NewslineT report number 1854 coming your way right



Hosts: Bob Heil (K9EID)Gordon West (WB6NOA), and George Thomas (W5JDX).

Hands-on with the TS-990, a tribute to Wes Schum, and a homemade outpost.

Guests: Don Wilbanks (AE5DW), Nick Tusa (K5EF), George Maier (W1LSB), and Cheryl Lasek (K9BIK).

Download or subscribe to this show at

Submit your own video to Ham Nation! See the Video Guidelines,

We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes

Thanks to Joe Walsh who wrote and plays the Ham Nation theme.

Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.