
Ham radio responds to a typhoon in Korea and an earthquake in the Philippines
Yaesu donates a pair of FT-2000 transceivers to help rebuild station in Thailand
The European Commission proposes an all out spectrum sharing plan
A shortwave transmitter in Bangladesh vacates the amateur section of 40M
An old AM modulation technique makes a money saving comeback

Hosts: Don Wilbanks (AE5DW)Gordon West (WB6NOA)George Thomas (W5JDX)

Bob’s phased 75 meter dipoles, video of hurricane Isaac, George starts building a shortwave radio, and the Icom contest.

Guests: Cheryl Lasek (K9BIK)

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We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes

Thanks to Joe Walsh who wrote and plays the Ham Nation theme.

Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 1:02:07

Hosts: Gordon West (WB6NOA) and George Thomas (W5JDX)

Hurricane season is among us and we’re keeping an eye on this windy party.

Guests: Cheryl Lasek (K9BIK), Amanda Alden K1DDN and Don Wilbanks (AE5DW)

Download or subscribe to this show at

Submit your own video to Ham Nation! See the Video Guidelines,

We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes

Thanks to Joe Walsh who wrote and plays the Ham Nation theme.

Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.